skyrocket your confidence

Outwork your self-doubt on the leading peak performance platform for men.


Daily workouts & recipes

Habit reformation

Performance tracking

Workout generation

Food intake

Task manager

Growth journal

Progress photos

Daily Quotes & Tips

And more

No credit card required

We tried many of the habit trackers and goal-setting apps out there - and they weren't enough. They would be okay for a while, but we'd all fall off from using them in the long run. We've built a dope a** system that is guaranteed to help any man improve his performance, stay focused, unlock his full potential, and hit ambitious goals. With Manframe you can finally say goodbye to success blockers like imposter syndrome and hello to a better version of you.

Coach Harvey

Co-creator, Head of Community

Optimize performance


Optimize performance

The Habit Powerhouse: Start, Track, Turbocharge

Create healthy routines like working out or avoid harmful habits like excessive drinking. Gain insights into the physical, mental, and time investments of every habit with Velocity. Use Amplifiers to consolidate all your self improvement tools into a single platform - whether it’s journaling, managing tasks, tracking your meals, and more.

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Optimize performance

Optimize your Nutrition with Mealtrace

Precision nutrition tracking for optimal performance. Easily track your food intake, access a comprehensive food database for nutritional values, and monitor your daily calories and macronutrient needs. Harness the power of nutrition visibility to optimize your eating habits, and unlock your full potential for peak performance.

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Optimize performance

Dominate your Workouts with LiftTracker

Advanced fitness tracking for unstoppable progress. Create customized workouts, monitor your growth, and access an extensive exercise library. Avoid plateaus with generated workouts and visual demonstrations for exercise mastery. Unlock your potential, amplify strength, and reach your fitness goals.

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IGNITE potential


IGNITE potential


Take the ultimate 90 day challenge and ignite your true potential. Skyrocket your confidence and elevate every area of your life.

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IGNITE potential


Commit to completing the below actions every single day no matter what. Fail and start over.

Eliminate 1 vice (alcohol, drugs, cheat meals, etc.)
Workout for at least 30 mins
Go for a 30 min walk
Consume 1 gallon of water
Follow a disciplined diet
Capture 1 progress photo
Read 10 pages nonfiction (audiobooks excluded)
No sexual content
IGNITE potential


How far will you go? Scorch the path, collecting milestones along the way.

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master discipline of self.


become self-aware with mindlog

Effortlessly capture your thoughts and ideas through journaling and free writing. Experience the transformative power of self-reflection, gain insights, and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself. Seamlessly store each entry separately, allowing for easy review and editing at any time. Harness Mindlog to unlock clarity, enhance personal growth, and unleash your true potential.

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Streamline Your Productivity with Taskflow

Effortlessly track tasks, manage checklists, set due dates, and prioritize with simplicity. Stay organized and confidently navigate through your daily responsibilities, tasks, and goals. Embrace seamless productivity, eliminate overwhelm, and achieve greater results with Taskflow’s streamlined task management system.

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modify behavior with customizable support

Stay on top of every action item. Our customizable system reminders are designed to keep you consistent with positive habits and ensure you never miss a task. Stay motivated and achieve remarkable success with scientifically proven positive and negative reinforcements.

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